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Data Visualization Dashboard
Sustainable Development and Electrification of Transit
{research data collection & analysis, data visualization design, UI /UX}
This website is an interactive resource guide designed for the Sustainable Development and Electrification of Transit project at OCADU to accompany the research report.
As a research assistant to the Visual Analytics Lab under Dr. Sara Diamond, my and a fellow RA's role was centered around collecting, organizing, and analyzing data and creating this website to visually show the research data and guide viewers to each source.
Resource Guide Website Walk-through

Design Process
The interactive guide website design started with analyzing and characterizing research sources in areas including literature, database, and toolsets.
From there, common themes across these areas related to transportation are pulled out as a high-level thread of connection, which is translated into an initial interaction point for the user on the website.
After selecting the theme, users can choose to further focus their inquiry on one of the three source areas, which will display information on sources mentioned in our report, and an interactive data visualization guide of more sources in the field.

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